(iii) Allows employees to participate in the [pension system for
employees] EMPLOYEES' PENSION SYSTEM of the State of Maryland.
(b) (1) Subject to § 2-103.4 of this article, the Administration may establish a
personnel system based on merit and fitness.
(2) The Administration may:
(i) Subject to [Article 73B of the Code] DIVISION II OF THE STATE
PERSONNEL AND PENSIONS ARTICLE, participate in the Employees' Retirement System
and the [Pension System for Employees] EMPLOYEES' PENSION SYSTEM of the State of
Maryland on terms and conditions mutually acceptable to the Administration and the
[board of trustees for the several State retirement and pension systems] BOARD OF
(ii) Establish and maintain an independent system of pensions and
retirement benefits for its employees.
Article 20 - Somerset County
(a) The County Commissioners may provide for the retirement of and payment of
benefits for any county employees who are not members of any pension system either by
means of inclusion of these employees under the [Maryland State retirement and pension
systems] STATE RETIREMENT AND PENSION SYSTEM as provided by [Section 163
through 170, inclusive, of Article 73B] TITLE 31 OF THE STATE PERSONNEL AND
PENSIONS ARTICLE of the Annotated Code of Maryland or by contracting with an
insurance company for the pensions and benefits.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That Section(s) 2 of Chapter
428 of the Acts of the General Assembly of 1993 be repealed.
SECTION 2. 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That, except as expressly
provided to the contrary in this Act, any transaction or employment status affected by or
flowing from any change of nomenclature or any statute amended, repealed, or
transferred by this Act and validly entered into or existing before the effective date of this
Act and every right, duty, or interest flowing from the statute, remains valid after the
effective date of this Act and may be terminated, completed, consummated, or enforced
as required or allowed by any statute amended, repealed, or transferred by this Act as
though the repeal, amendment, or transfer had not occurred. If the change in
nomenclature involves a change in name or designation of any State unit, the successor
unit shall be considered in all respects as having the powers and obligations granted the
former unit.
SECTION 4. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That Section 2 of this Act
shall take effect July 1, 1994.
SECTION 3. 5. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That Sections 1 and 3 of this
Act shall take effect October 1, 1994.
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