Ch. 3
revived and the Michie Publishing Company shall include Sections 354D(a), 470E(a),
477E(a) as these sections existed before July 1, 1986, but inclusive of all other changes
enacted by the General Assembly after 1986 to Sections 354D(a), 470E(a), and 477E(a)
of Article 48A of the Code.]
SECTION 4. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That nothing in this Act may be
construed to affect or change any provision of Subtitle 55 of Article 48A - Health
SECTION 5. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That Section 2 of this Act
shall be applicable to any health insurance contract, policy, certificate, or plan that is
issued or renewed on or after July 1, 1994.
SECTION 6. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Act is an emergency
measure, is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, has
been passed by a yea and nay vote supported by three-fifths of all the members elected to
each of the two Houses of the General Assembly, and shall take effect from the date it is
Approved February 28, 1994.
(Senate Bill 317)
AN ACT concerning
Annual Corrective Bill
FOR the purpose of correcting certain errors and omissions in certain articles of the
Annotated Code and in certain uncodified laws and public local laws; clarifying
language; providing that with certain exceptions this Act is not intended to affect
any law other than to correct technical errors; repealing certain obsolete provisions
of law; codifying certain uncodified provisions of law; renumbering certain sections
of the Annotated Code; transferring certain sections of the Annotated Code;
reorganizing certain sections of the Annotated Code; validating certain corrections
made by the publisher of the Annotated Code; validating the annexation of certain
areas by the Board of Managers of Chevy Chase Village; providing for the effect
and construction of certain provisions of this Act; providing for the application of
certain provisions of this Act; and making this Act an emergency measure.
BY repealing and reenacting, without amendments,
Article 2B - Alcoholic Beverages
Section 10(v)(2), 11(y)(2), 14(n)(2)(i)2., 16(q)(1), 18(g)(2), 19(d)(1)(vi) and
(r)(10)(iii)2., 20(q)(2)(iii) and (5)(iii)3., (r)(2)(iii)3., (4)(vi), and (7)(ii), and
(y)(9), 24H(b), 25(e), 69(a)(4) and (c)(1), 150(b)(l)(iv), (v), and (vi),
155(g)(2), and 193(a)(3) and (4)
Annotated Code of Maryland
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