SECTION 11. 10. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That no portion of the
proceeds of a loan or any of the matching funds provided for a project funded under this
Act may be used for the furtherance of sectarian religious instruction, or in connection
with the design, acquisition, construction, or equipping of any building used or to be used
as a place of sectarian religious worship or instruction, or in connection with any program
or department of divinity for any religious denomination. Upon the request of the Board
of Public Works, a recipient of the proceeds of a loan under this Act shall submit
evidence satisfactory to the Board that none of the proceeds of the loan or any matching
funds has been or is being used for a purpose prohibited by this Act.
(a) the Comptroller may advance funds from any loan fund account to any other
loan fund account established pursuant to a general obligation loan enabling act, under
the authority of which general obligation bonds have been issued, for any expenditure
authorized by such act.
(b) with the approval of the Board of Public Works, the Comptroller may advance
funds to any loan fund account established pursuant to a general obligation loan enabling
act, for which an approving legal opinion has been received by the Board, for any
expenditure authorized by the act, provided that the next sale of general obligation bonds
shall include the issuance of bonds under the authority of that act in an amount at least
equivalent to the amount of the funds so advanced.
SECTION 12. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the Board of Public Works
is authorized to issue revenue bonds on behalf of the Department of Public Safety and
Correctional Services as set forth herein.
(A) In this section, the following words have the meanings indicated:
(1) "Board" means the Board of Public Works of the State of Maryland.
(2) "Bonds" means revenue bonds issued under the authority of this section of
this Act.
(3) "Costs" means all costs and expenses incurred in relation to the Project,
including without limitation, programming, design, planning, engineering, and legal costs,
acquisition costs of land and structures, interest in land, rights-of-way, and easements,
construction costs, costs of machinery, equipment, and other capital assets incident and
related to the operation, maintenance, and administration of the Project, and financing costs,
including interest during construction and thereafter, underwriters discount and fees for legal,
financial, and other professional services. Costs attributable to the Project and incurred prior
to the issuance of any Bonds may be reimbursed from the proceeds of sale of the Bonds.
(4) "Department" means the Department of Public Safety and Correctional
(5) "Fund" means the Law Enforcement and Correctional Training Fund
established under Article 41, Section 4-1301.
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