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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2881   View pdf image
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WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER, Governor                         Ch. 582

(i) Is a Class E (truck) vehicle that is designed to lift, pull, or carry a
vehicle by a hoist or mechanical apparatus;

(ii) Has a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds
or more; and

(iii) Is equipped as a tow truck or designed as a rollback as defined in
§ 11-151.1 of this article.

(2) In this section "tow truck" does not include a truck tractor as defined in
§ 11-172 of this article.

(b)     When registered with the Administration every tow truck as defined in this
section is a Class T vehicle.

(c)     A tow truck registered under this section may be used to tow vehicles for
repair, storage, or removal from the highway.

(d)     (1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) of this subsection, for each
vehicle registered under this section, the annual registration fee is based on the
manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating as follows:

Manufacturer's Gross Weight Rating (in Pounds) Fee
10,000 (or less) to 26,000                                              $100

More than 26,000                                                         $300

(2) (i) The annual registration fee for a vehicle registered under this
section that is used for any purpose other than that described in subsection (c) of this
section shall be determined under subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph if the maximum
gross weight of the vehicle or combination of vehicles:

1.       Exceeds 18,000 pounds and the vehicle has a manufacturer's
gross weight rating of 26,000 pounds or less; or

2.       Exceeds 35,000 pounds and the vehicle has a manufacturer's
gross weight rating of more than 26,000 pounds.

(ii) The annual registration fee shall be the greater of:

1.       The fees set forth in paragraph (1) of this subsection; or

2.       The fees set forth in § 13-916(b) of this subtitle.

(e)     (1) Notwithstanding §§ 24-104.1, 24-108, and 24-109 of this article, a tow
truck registered under this section, while engaged in an emergency tow, may remove a
motor vehicle or vehicle combination from a highway for safety reasons if:

(i) The tow truck and the motor vehicle or vehicle combination being
towed comply with all applicable statutory weight and size restrictions under Title 24 of
this article when measured or weighed separately; and

(ii) The motor vehicle or vehicle combination is being towed directly to
a nearby facility for repair or storage.

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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2881   View pdf image
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