and other interests for the public facilities, the acquisition and installation of furnishings
and equipment for the public facilities, together with any related financing charges,
interest prior to and during construction (and, if deemed necessary by the County, for a
limited period after completion of construction), interest and reserves for principal and
interest and for extensions, enlargements, additions and improvements, architectural,
engineering, financial, legal, planning and other professional services, plans,
specifications, studies, surveys, estimates of cost and of revenues, administrative expenses
necessary or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of the public facilities
and such other expenses as may be necessary or incident to the acquisition, construction,
improvement, development, rehabilitation, repair, furnishing and equipping of the public
facilities, the financing or refinancing of such acquisition, construction, improvement,
development, rehabilitation, repair, furnishing and equipping and placing the public
facilities in operation "hospital improvements" means the expansion, reconstruction,
rehabilitation, renovation and improvement of facilities of the Physicians Memorial
Hospital in Charles County, including (without limitation) the construction of new
hospital buildings and other facilities necessary or useful for the effective or orderly
operation of the Hospital, parking facilities, means of access and utility services, the
acquisition and development, as applicable, of land, structures, real or personal property,
rights, rights-of-way, easements, and other interests for the hospital improvements, the
acquisition and installation of furnishings and equipment for new or existing Hospital
facilities, the alteration, renovation or repair of and addition to existing Hospital
facilities, and the demolition, removal, and relocation of existing Hospital facilities,
together with any related financing charges, interest prior to and during construction
(and, if deemed necessary by the County, for a limited period after completion of
construction), interest and reserves for principal and interest, and for extensions,
enlargements, additions, and improvements, architectural, engineering, financial, legal,
planning and other professional services, land, specifications, studies, surveys, estimates
of cost and of revenues, administrative expenses necessary or incident to determining the
feasibility or practicability of the hospital improvements and such other expenses as may
be necessary or incident to the acquisition, construction, improvement, development,
rehabilitation, repair, furnishing and equipping of the hospital improvements, the
financing or refinancing of such acquisition, construction, improvement, development,
rehabilitation, repair, furnishing and equipping of the hospital facilities and of placing the
hospital improvements into operation; the term "Hospital" means the Physicians
Memorial Hospital in Charles County; and the term "Corporation" means Physicians
Memorial Hospital, Inc., the nonprofit corporation which operates and maintains the
Hospital, and any successor or assignee thereof.
SECTION 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the County is hereby
authorized and empowered to finance any part or all of the costs of the acquisition,
construction, improvement, development, rehabilitation, repair, furnishing and equipping
of the public facilities assist in financing the hospital improvements and to borrow money
and incur indebtedness for that purpose, at one time or from time to time, in a principal
amount not exceeding, in the aggregate, $5,000,000 and to evidence its borrowing by the
issuance and sale upon its full faith and credit of its general obligation bonds in like par
amount, which may be issued at one time or from time to time, in one or more groups or
series, as the County may determine.
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