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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2264   View pdf image
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Ch. 409                                     1993 LAWS OF MARYLAND         

[(2) (i) A permit issued under this section to an applicant described in
subsection (a)(2) of this section expires at the discretion of the Administration but may
not exceed 90 days from the date of issue.

(ii) The permit may be renewed on application with proof of the
handicap or disability and payment of the prescribed fee.                           

(3) A permit issued under this section shall have its expiration date
indicated on its face in large letters or numbers.]                                             

(e)     (1) A [disabled person's] parking permit FOR A PERSON WITH A
DISABILITY shall be issued:

(i) Except as provided in item (ii) of this paragraph, in the form of a
REMOVABLE WINDSHIELD placard capable of being hung from the inside rearview
mirror and of a size and design as determined by the Administration; or

(ii). For a vehicle not equipped with an inside rearview mirror or in
which the inside rearview mirror is not visible from the rear of the vehicle, in the form of
a windshield placard of a size and design as determined by the Administration.

[(2) The placard shall contain the following information:

(i) The permit number;

(ii) The name and signature of the issuing authority;

(iii) The designation "Disabled Person's Parking Permit" displayed
within the international wheelchair symbol;

(iv) The date of expiration; and

(v) Any other pertinent information the Administration requires.]

[(3)](2) A person to whom a [disabled person's] parking permit FOR A
PERSON WITH A DISABILITY is issued shall display the placard described in this section

(i) A Class A (passenger) vehicle or a Class M (multipurpose) vehicle;

(ii) A Class E (truck) vehicle with a 3/4 ton or less manufacturer's
rated capacity and specially equipped for the transportation of of operation by [a
handicapped] AN individual WITH A DISABILITY; or

(iii) A Class H, I, or J vehicle that is specially equipped for the
transportation of [handicapped] individuals WITH DISABILITIES and is used exclusively

for the transportation of [handicapped or disabled] individuals WITH DISABILITIES.

(f)      (1) Except as provided in paragraph (3) of this subsection, when displayed
by the person to whom a REMOVABLE WINDSHIELD placard is issued, the REMOVABLE
WINDSHIELD placard shall be hung from the inside rearview mirror when the vehicle is

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Session Laws, 1993
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