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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2262   View pdf image
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Ch. 409                                     1993 LAWS OF MARYLAND                   

(iii) Where there is a local ordinance that prohibits parking during
heavy traffic periods in morning, afternoon, or evening rush hours, or where parking
clearly would present a traffic hazard.                               

(g) When using the parking privileges granted under this section:

(1)     The person shall have in the person's possession the application for
special registration plates that is approved by the Administration; and

(2)     The person shall make the application for special registration plates
available upon the request of a police officer, while the officer is discharging the official
duties of a police officer.

(h) A person may not commit any fraud in applying for special registration under
this section.

(i) A person may not commit any fraud in using special registration under this

(j) A person may not make any misrepresentation in applying for. special
registration under this section.

(k) A person may not make any misrepresentation in using special registration
under this section.

(1) A person who operates a motor vehicle with a special[,] disabled person's
registration number OR SPECIAL REGISTRATION PLATES may not use the privileges
granted under this section, unless the person:

(1)     Is a [disabled] person WITH A DISABILITY who meets the requirements
of subsection (a)(1) of this section;, or

(2)     Is accompanied by a dependent, or an individual who depends on the
person for transportation, who meets the requirements of subsection (a)(1) of this

(m) (1) As to a motor vehicle owner upon whom a [disabled or handicapped]
person WITH A DISABILITY depends for transportation, the vehicle owner's relationship
to the [handicapped] person WITH A DISABILITY shall be deemed severed by.

(i) The death of the [handicapped] person WITH A DISABILITY;

(ii) A divorce from the [handicapped] person WITH A DISABILITY;

(iii) Termination of employment or responsibility of the vehicle owner
by the [handicapped] person WITH A DISABILITY or that person's legal representative.

(2) Within 30 days of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in
paragraph (1) of this subsection:

(i) The vehicle owner shall mail or deliver the special[,] disabled
person's registration card and SPECIAL REGISTRATION plates to the Administration for
cancellation; and

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Session Laws, 1993
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