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Session Laws, 1993
Volume 772, Page 2260   View pdf image
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Ch. 409


(i) Proof satisfactory to the Administration that the applicant, the
dependent of the applicant, or the individual who depends on the applicant for
transportation, as the case may be, is [handicapped in the manner] AN INDIVIDUAL
WITH A DISABILITY described in subsection (a)(1) of this section; and

(ii) As to an applicant on whom [a handicapped] AN individual WITH
A DISABILITY depends for transportation, a certification of the [handicapped]
individual WITH A DISABILITY that the [handicapped] individual WITH A DISABILITY
depends on the applicant for transportation.

(2) The Administration may not accept applications for special registration
under this section from:

(i) More than 2 applicants submitting certifications of dependency as
required under item (1)(ii) of this subsection from the same [handicapped] individual

(ii) More than 1 applicant on whom [a handicapped] AN individual
WITH A DISABILITY depends for 'transportation if the [handicapped] individual WITH A
DISABILITY, at the time of application, possesses a valid special registration issued under
this section; or

(iii) An applicant who, at the time of application, possesses 2 valid
special registrations issued under this section.

(c)      (1) An applicant for renewal of special registration AND SPECIAL
REGISTRATION PLATES issued under this section shall submit proof of the [handicap
or] disability to the Administration before the issuance of the new multiyear registration
plates and before the renewal of the registration every [2] 4 years thereafter.

(2) As to an applicant for renewal on whom [a handicapped] AN individual
WITH A DISABILITY depends for transportation, the applicant shall submit once every 2
years in a form prescribed by the Administration proof of the [handicap or] disability of
the [handicapped] individual WITH A DISABILITY and proof that the applicant
continues to provide transportation for the [handicapped] individual WITH A
DISABILITY for whom special registration has been issued under this section.

(d)      [The Administration may charge a 1-time fee established by the
Administration] EXCEPT AS PROVIDED UNDER §§ 13-951 AND 13-952 OF THIS TITLE,
NO FEE in addition to the annual registration fee otherwise required by this title IS
REQUIRED for special registration under this section.

  (e) A special registration number assigned under this section shall:

(1)     Consist of the letters, numerals, or both that the Administration
specifies; and

(2)  Be displayed on [the registration plate] SPECIAL REGISTRATION
PLATES issued for the vehicle, together with[:

(i) The official international wheelchair symbol or a reasonable
facsimile of it; or                                                     

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Session Laws, 1993
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