(4) A county or municipal corporation may exercise the powers granted
under this section notwithstanding any limitations or other provisions to the contrary of
Articles 23A, 25A, or 25B of the Code or of any charter or local law.
The exercise of the powers granted by this subtitle is for the benefit of the people of
the State for the improvement of their health and living conditions. Since the activities of
the Service and the operation and maintenance of its projects constitute the performance
of essential governmental functions, the Service is exempt from any payment of or liability
for any and all taxes, whether federal. State, or local, now or hereafter levied or imposed,
and any assessments or other governmental charges. The bonds and notes of the Service
issued pursuant to the authority of this subtitle, their transfer, the interest payable
thereon, and any income derived therefrom, including any profit realized in the sale or
exchange thereof, at all times shall be exempt from taxation of every kind and nature
whatsoever by the State, or by any of its political subdivisions, municipal corporations, or
public units of any kind.
The Service may not be required to give any bond as security for costs, supersedeas,
or any other security in any suit or action brought by or against it, or in proceedings to
which it may be a party in any court in the State. The Service may appeal to a court haying
jurisdiction without bonds, supersedeas, or security of any kind. No builder's,
materialman's, contractor's, laborer's, or rnechanic's liens of any kind or character may
ever attach to or become a lien upon any property, real or personal, [belonging to]
OWNED OR CONTROLLED BY the Service. No assignment of wages may be binding upon
or recognized by the Service.
(a) Any lien created in favor of the Service or a municipality pursuant to this
subtitle is effective against the person on whose property the Hen exists AND THE OWNER
OF RECORD. However, the lien is not effective against any third party unless written
notice of the lien is recorded and indexed in a permanent record maintained in the office
of the clerk of the circuit court in each county in which the property subject to the lien or
any part of it is located.
(b) The notice shall contain the name and address of the [person] OWNER OF
RECORD against whose property the lien exists, the name and address of the Service or
municipality, the amount of the lien, a description or reference to the property subject to
the lien, and the date the lien was created.
(c) On presentation of a release of any lien of the Service or municipality, the
clerk of the proper court in which the lien is recorded and indexed shall record and index
the release and shall note in the lien docket the date the release is filed and the fact that
the lien is released.
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