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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 4900   View pdf image
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Speaker of the House of Delegates

State House

Annapolis, Maryland 21401

Dear Mr. Speaker:

In accordance with Article II, Section 17 of the Maryland
Constitution, I have today vetoed House Bill 677.

This bill is almost identical to Senate Bill 417. However, House
Bill 677 allows a delay of execution of Judgement pending appeals
and other possible relief.

Senate Bill 417, which was passed by the General Assembly and
signed by me on May 19, 1989, accomplishes the same purpose,
without allowing these delays. Therefore, it is not necessary
for me to sign House Bill 677.


William Donald Schaefer


House Bill No. 677

AN ACT concerning


FOR the purpose of subrogating the State to a victim's right to
recover restitution if the victim is given an award under
the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act; removing a
restriction on where restitution may be paid; defining a
certain term; requiring that allowing a court to order
restitution under certain circumstances; requiring a court
to state in a certain manner the court's reasons for not
ordering restitution under certain circumstances; providing
that an order of restitution constitutes' a certain judgment;
providing that the termination of restitution or probation
does not affect a certain judgment; requiring that certain
restitution orders be made a condition of parole under
certain circumstances;
requiring that certain orders of
restitution be indexed and recorded in a certain way;
providing that a judgment of restitution constitutes a lien
on the real property of the defendant under certain
circumstances; providing that a victim or other person may
not execute on certain orders of restitution indexed and
recorded as judgments under certain circumstances; requiring
that certain restitution orders of certain persons released
from Patuxent Institution be made a condition of parole or

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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 4900   View pdf image
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