(3) $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 50
(4) $ 10,000 $ 20,000 $ 100
(a) Subject to the provisions of subsections (b) and (c)
unless a bond is expressly excused by the will of the decedent or
by the written waiver of all interested persons, every personal
representative shall execute a bond to the State of Maryland for
the benefit of all interested persons and creditors with a surety
or sureties approved by the register.
(b) (1) Even if a personal representative is excused from
giving bond, a bond shall be given in an amount which the
register or the court considers sufficient to secure the payment
of the debts[,] AND Maryland inheritance taxes[, and taxes on
commissions of personal representatives] payable by the personal
representative. The bond shall be conditioned accordingly.
(h) (2) If the giving of a bond is excused OR WAIVED, the
required nominal bond shall be substantially in the following
The condition of the above obligation is such, that if
............ shall, as personal representative of .......... late
of ..........., deceased, pay the debts due by the deceased[,]
AND the Maryland inheritance tax[, and tax on commissions of
personal representatives] payable by the personal representative,
then the above obligation shall be void; it is otherwise to be in
full force and effect.
(a) Inheritance taxes with respect to a distribution [and
taxes on commissions] shall be paid by the personal
representative to the register. An inheritance tax due in
connection with a legacy or intestate share shall be paid at the
time of accounting for its distribution. Failure to pay the
inheritance tax when due or to make full disclosure of the
information necessary to the determination by the register of the
tax due may subject a personal representative to reduction or
forfeiture of commissions by the court unless good cause to the
contrary is shown. [The tax on commissions is due when the court
allows the commissions.] Failure to pay the inheritance tax [or
the tax on commissions] when due subjects the bond of the
personal representative to liability.
(b) Upon payment of the inheritance taxes [or taxes on
commissions] as determined by the register to be due, the
personal representative is entitled to receive a certificate
reciting that the taxes have been paid. If requested by the
personal representative, the certificate shall set forth in
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