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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 3178   View pdf image
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Ch. 506


(ii) Unless the State budget provides
otherwise, the salary of a deputy attorney general, assistant
attorney general, or special attorney appointed under this
subsection is payable from the funds of the Office.

(4) Staff is entitled to reimbursement for expenses
under the Standard State Travel Regulations, as provided in the
State budget.

(b)  (1) In addition to any other staff appointed under this
section, the Attorney General, with the written approval of the
Governor, may employ any assistant counsel that the Attorney
General considers necessary to carry out any duty of the Office
in an extraordinary or unforeseen case or in special county work.

(2)  The Attorney General shall submit to the Governor
a written request that:

(i) states the necessity of and each reason for
the special employment; and

(ii) states the proposed compensation and its
source or certifies that the Attorney General cannot ascertain in
advance the proper compensation.

(3)  Compensation that cannot be ascertained in
advance may be agreed on or adjusted later.

(c)  (1) In addition to any other staff appointed under this
section, the Attorney General may employ special counsel to
defend a State officer or State employee under Title 12, Subtitle
3 of this article if the Attorney General determines that
representation by the Attorney General or an assistant is
impracticable or uneconomical.

(2) The special counsel is entitled to compensation,
as set by the Attorney General and approved by the Board of
Public Works, [from the funds of the unit that employs the State
officer or State employee who is being defended or as otherwise

(d)  Each deputy attorney general, assistant attorney
general, or special attorney appointed under subsection (a) of
this section shall be a practicing lawyer of the State in good

(e)  (1) The Attorney General may assign any duty that the
law imposes on the Attorney General to a deputy attorney general,
assistant attorney general, or special attorney appointed under
subsection (a) of this section or, to the extent permitted by
law, a law clerk.

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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 3178   View pdf image
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