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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 2881   View pdf image
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WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER, Governor                    Ch. 427

[(4)] (5) Take samples in accordance with the
methods, at the locations, at the intervals, and in the manner
that the Department requires; and

[(5)] (6) Give to a representative of the Department
or the local health official any information that the Department
reasonably requires.


(a)   If any person who has a permit to collect, handle,
burn, store, or transport sewage sludge violates any condition of
the permit or any regulation of the Department relating to the
use, collection, handling, burning, storing, or transportation of
sewage sludge, the person is liable to the State for civil

(b)  These civil penalties are:

(1)  A basic civil penalty not exceeding $10,000; and

(2)  An additional penalty not exceeding $10,000 a day
for each day that the violation continues, up to a maximum of

(c)  The State shall recover the civil penalties under this
section in a civil action.

take effect July 1, 1989.

Approved May 19, 1989.


(House Bill 641)

AN ACT concerning

Contraceptives or Contraceptive Devices - Prohibiting
Vending Machines or Automatic Devices at Schools

FOR the purpose of altering the prohibition on the sale of
contraceptives or contraceptive devices by vending machines
or other automatic devices; retaining the prohibition on
such sales in certain schools; prohibiting the sale of
certain condoms by vending machine or other automatic
device; providing a certain penalty; requiring the Secretary
of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to adopt

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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 2881   View pdf image
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