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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 2837   View pdf image
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"construction, improvement, or development of public facilities"
includes the following:

(a)  Construction, acquisition, improvement, rehabilitation,
repair, and furnishing and equipping of public school buildings,
sites, and grounds; and

(b)  Highway and bridge construction, reconstruction, and
surfacing together with any planning and architectural and
engineering services related to the foregoing public facilities;

(c)  Construction of stormwater drainage facilities,
together with any planning and architectural and engineering
services related to the foregoing public facilities; and

(d)  Construction, improvement, rehabilitation, repair, and
furnishing and equipping of a detention facility, site, and
grounds; and

(e)  Construction, acquisition, and improvement of airport
facilities and grounds; and

(f)  Construction of new buildings, additions to and
improvements of existing county-owned buildings and facilities,
and acquisition of equipment therefor; and

(g)  Acquisition of land and any improvement thereon for
public use.

hereby authorized to finance any part of the costs of the
facilities described in Section 1 of this Act, and to borrow
money and incur indebtedness for that purpose, at one time or
from time to time, in an amount not exceeding, in the aggregate,
$10,000,000 and to evidence such borrowing by the issuance and
sale upon its full faith and credit of general obligation bonds
in like par amount, which may be issued at one time or from time
to time, in one or more groups or series, as the County may

SECTION 3. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That the bonds shall
be issued in accordance with a resolution of the County which
shall describe generally the construction, improvement, or
development of public facilities for which the proceeds of the
bond sale are intended and the amount needed for those purposes.
The County shall have and is hereby granted full and complete
authority and discretion in the resolution to fix and determine
with respect to the bonds of any issue: the designation, date of
issue, denomination or denominations, form or forms, and tenor of
the bonds; the rate or rates of interest payable thereon, or the

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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 2837   View pdf image
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