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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 1714   View pdf image
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Ch. 89


(b)   "Child" means an individual under the age of 16 years.

(c)  (1) "Child care center" means an agency, institution,
or establishment that, for part or all of a day, or on a 24-hour
basis on a regular schedule, and at least twice a week, offers or
provides child care to children who do not have the same
parentage except as otherwise provided for in law or regulation.

(2)   "Child care center" shall include a nonpublic
nursery school in which an instructional program is offered or
provided for children between 2 to 4 years old.

(3)   "Child care center" does not include:

(i) a nonpublic kindergarten in which an
instructional program is offered or provided for children who are
at least 5 years old; or

(ii) a nonpublic elementary school in which an
instructional program is offered or provided for children who are
in grades 1 through 8.

(4)   "Child care center" does not include a child care
home, a child care institution, or other child care facility that
offers or provides a residential placement for a child and is
established, licensed, or registered under Title 5, Subtitle 5 of
this article or Titles 6 or 10 of the Health - General Article.

(d)   "License" means a license issued by the Department of
Human Resources to operate a child care center.

(e)   "Person" includes a State, county, or municipal

(f)   "Secretary" means the Secretary of Human Resources.


Error: Function paragraph of bill being cured failed
to note the addition of the part "Part VII Child Care
Centers" immediately" preceding § 5-570 of the Family
Law Article.

Occurred: Ch. 247 (House Bill 767) of the Acts of

Noted by: Professional staff of the Department of
Legislative Reference.

Part VIII. Child Care Centers in State-Occupied Buildings


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Session Laws, 1989
Volume 771, Page 1714   View pdf image
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