(13) (a) Notwithstanding any other provision in this
subtitle, if a member of this pension system has been or is
appointed or elected to any State office, or promoted by an
express appointment by the appointing authority with the express
concurrence of the Secretary of Personnel, to any position within
the State government that is not a part of the classified service
and is not covered by Article 64A of the Code, for a fixed or
indefinite term and is not continued in office after serving in
that position for a period of 1 year, reappointed or reelected,
and if the termination of employment was involuntary, except for
officials elected or appointed prior to July 22, 1981, as
determined by the Secretary of Personnel, after he has completed
16 years of creditable service, regardless of age, the member
instead of withdrawing his accumulated contributions, may elect
to be paid an unreduced service allowance. If a member of this
pension system[,] vacates his position because of the termination
of his tenure by act of the General Assembly after the member has
20 years of creditable service, regardless of age, he may elect
to receive the allowance for service retirement instead of
withdrawing his accumulated contributions. If the beneficiary is
appointed or elected to any office, the salary or compensation of
which is paid by the State, his retirement allowance shall cease,
he may become a member of this pension system again, and shall
contribute in accordance with this subtitle. Any creditable
service at the time of his retirement shall be restored, and in
addition, on his subsequent retirement he shall be credited with
all his service as a member, if his allowance on the subsequent
retirement does not exceed the allowance he was receiving before
restoration plus the allowance that has accrued on account of his
creditable service after restoration. The payment of all these
allowances and the continued payment of these allowances shall be
contingent on the State of Maryland paying each year the
additional amount required to meet the current disbursements of
these allowances.
Error: Extraneous punctuation in Article 73B, §
Occurred: Ch. 23, Acts of 1979.
(16) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subtitle,
any retired member in this pension system may elect to have the
premium or any part of it, for [state-approved] STATE-APPROVED
medical insurance for retired State employees or for insurance
authorized by employees' organizations, dues for employees'
organizations, and payments to the State Employees' Credit Union
of Maryland, Inc., deducted from his allowance by this pension
system and paid on his behalf to the carrier.
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