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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 829   View pdf image
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WILLIAM DONALD SCHAEFER, Governor                       Ch. 6

are individually exempted by a permit issued by the Department of
Natural Resources.


Error: Stylistic errors in Article 27, § 70D(b) and

Occurred: In Article 27, § 70D, the     error in

subsection (b) occurred in Ch. 491, Acts of     1980 and

the error in subsection (c) occurred in Ch.   406, Acts
of 1981.


The warden of the Maryland Penitentiary is hereby authorized
and directed to provide and maintain a permanent death chamber
within the confines of said penitentiary, and which said death
chamber shall have all the necessary appliances for the proper
execution of felons by the administration of a lethal gas. In
said death chamber shall be executed all felons upon whom the
death penalty has been imposed, for offenses committed on or
after January 1st, 1923. Each execution shall be conducted by
the said warden or some assistant or assistants designated by
him, in the presence off,] the sheriff of the county or city
where such felon was indicted, the physician of the said
penitentiary, or his assistant, and a number of respectable
citizens numbering not less than six or more than twelve.
Counsel for the convict and two ministers of the gospel may be


Error: Extraneous comma in Article 27, § 73.

Occurred: Prior to 1957 codification of the Annotated
Code of Maryland.


(a) When a person is sentenced to the punishment of death,
the judge or judges presiding in the court shall, at the time of
passing sentence, make out, sign and issue a warrant directed to
the warden of the Maryland Penitentiary, stating the conviction
and sentence and appointing a week within which the sentence must
be executed, and commanding the said warden to execute the
sentence upon some day within the week so appointed. If a
proceeding is instituted in any federal or State court to test
the validity of the conviction, other than by an appeal to the
Court of Special Appeals or on certiorari in the Court of
Appeals, or if a proceeding is instituted in any State court
under § 75A OF THIS ARTICLE to determine the incompetency of the
defendant, the warrant shall remain in full force and effect

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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 829   View pdf image
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