Commission shall notify the Maryland State Bar Association,
Inc. and other appropriate bar associations of the vacancy,
and shall request recommendations from [the] THEM. The
commission may also seek recommendations from interested
citizens and from among its own members.
(3) (a) The Commission shall evaluate each proposed
nominee. In the course of its evaluation, a Commission may
seek information beyond that contained in the personal data
questionnaire submitted to it. It may obtain pertinent
information from knowledgeable persons known to Commission
members, the Attorney Grievance Commission, judges, personal
references given by the candidate, criminal justice
agencies, or other sources. A criminal justice agency,
including the Central Repository, may release criminal
history record information, including conviction and
non-conviction data, to a Commission, on the request of the
Commission chairman, for the purpose of evaluating a
(b) Not less than 10 Commission members shall be
present at a voting session.
(c) The Commission shall select and nominate to
the Governor the names of persons it finds to be legally and
most fully professionally qualified. No person's name may
be submitted unless the person has been found legally and
most fully professionally qualified by a vote of a majority
of the members present at a voting session, taken by secret
ballot, and unless the person has been interviewed by the
Commission or a panel thereof. The secret ballots shall be
sealed and delivered to the Administrative Office of the
Courts and may be opened only by demand of the Governor or
by court order.
(4) The Commission shall report to the Governor, in
writing, the names of the persons it nominates as legally
and most fully professionally qualified to fill a vacancy.
The names of persons shall be listed in alphabetical order.
The report shall be submitted within 70 days after
notification by the Commission's secretariat that a vacancy
exists or is about to occur. The Commission shall release
its report to the public concurrently with submission of the
report to the Governor.
(5) Each Commission shall distribute informational and
educational materials concerning judicial vacancies and the
functions of the Commission, in order to inform the public
of the Judicial selection process of the State.
F. Confidentiality. The name of an individual who submits
a personal data questionnaire to a Commission may not be
made public by the Commission until after the deadline for
filing questionnaires. The Administrative Office of the
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