remainder of the unexpired term. The member's term shall be
staggered as established during the initial appointments;
(3) Members who are appointed by virtue of their office
may designate in writing, an alternate to represent them on
the Council and exercise their power to vote;
(4) The Governor may remove any member of the Council
who is not an ex officio member, who no longer holds the
office or position he held at the time of appointment, or
for any cause adversly affecting the member's ability or
willingness to perform his or her duties;
(5) The members of the Council may not receive any
compensation for their services. The members may be
reimbursed for their reasonable expenses incurred in the
performance of their duties, in accordance with the standard
travel regulations, and as provided in the budgets under
Section 222 of the Act; and
(6) A majority of the council shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of any business.
C. The Council in accordance with the Act shall be
responsible for the development of an annual plan,
establishing grant procedures consistent with State policy
and make such grant award as are consistent with plan
priorities and funds availability:
(1) The Council shall have within applicable State and
Federal laws, regulations and guidelines and authority to
review and make recommendations on applications for grant
funds available under the Act and the Governor shall make
awards based solely on those recommendations;
(2) The Council shall submit an annual report on its
activities to the Governor;
(3) On matters pertaining to the juvenile justice
system and delinquency prevention, the Council shall provide
advice and recommendations to the Governor and such other
State and local units of government as is appropriate;
(4) The Council also shall conduct special studies on
juvenile crime, delinquency and related areas, as requested
by the Governor;
(5) Where appropriate, the Council shall coordinate its
activities with any and all State organizations designated
by the Governor; and
(6) The Council shall be responsible for monitoring and
taking every action at their disposal to insure compliance
with all requirements of the Act;
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