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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 2974   View pdf image
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Ch. 348


(1)  The county citizen members shall be selected by
the county executive. One member shall be selected from each
legislative district of Baltimore County with the approval of the
State Senator from that district. Each legislative district
representative shall reside in that district;

(2)  The initial members selected to represent
legislative districts 5, 7, 9, and 11 shall each serve for a
2-year term beginning June 1, 1979, and ending May 31, 1981.
Thereafter all members shall be selected to serve 2-year terms.
The initial members selected to represent legislative districts
8, 10, 12, and 13 shall each serve for a 1-year term beginning
June 1, 1979, and ending May 31, 1980, and thereafter all members
shall be selected for 2-year terms;

(3)  A citizen member shall be entitled to attend and
vote at a Council session where an issue before the Council
concerns the school or schools in the citizen member's respective
district; and

(4)  When the Council meets to consider countywide
issues, all selected citizen members shall be entitled to attend
such sessions and vote.

(h) The Council shall:

(1)  Meet as needed, to review surplus school

transfers to county government, and to compile the number of
spaces in the public schools of the County that are not filled
and to evaluate the feasibility of the utilization of the spaces
by the community and County departments; and

(2)  Report its findings and recommendations to the
County Board of Education and the County Executive at least twice
during the school year.

(i) The County Executive may, by executive order, appoint
up to two additional members to the Council from agencies of the
County government.]

take effect July 1, 1988.

Approved May 17, 1988.

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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 2974   View pdf image
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