Ch. 250
decide a claim; setting forth the conditions under which a
claimant may request a hearing; granting the Secretary
certain powers in regard to board decisions; providing that
the Secretary's decision is final under certain
circumstances; providing that the claimant may receive
certain information under certain conditions; repealing the
authority of the full board to hear and decide a claim;
abolishing the Secretary's authority to appeal an award in
the circuit court; establishing a limit on certain types of
awards; making certain stylistic changes; and generally
relating to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board.
BY. repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article 26A - Criminal Injuries Compensation Act
Section 3, 8, 10, 11, and 12
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1987 Replacement Volume and 1987 Supplement)
BY repealing
Article 26A - Criminal Injuries Compensation Act
Section 9
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1987 Replacement Volume and 1987 Supplement)
MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:
Article 26A - Criminal Injuries Compensation Act
(a) There is hereby created in the Department of Public
Safety and Correctional Services a Board, to be known as the
Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, to consist of [3] 5
members, no more than [2] 4 of whom shall belong to the same
political party. The members of the Board shall be appointed by
the Secretary of Public Safety and Correctional Services, with
the approval of the Governor, and with the advice and consent of
the Senate. One member of the Board shall have been admitted to
practice law in the State of Maryland for not less than five
years next preceding his appointment.
(b) The term of office of each such member shall be five
years, except that the members first appointed shall serve for
terms of five years, four years and three years respectively.
Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring otherwise than
by expiration of a term shall be appointed for the remainder of
the unexpired terms.
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