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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 2328   View pdf image
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Ch. 228


trailer shall pay a fee [not less than $35.00 nor more than
$100.00 to be determined by] SET BY RESOLUTION OF the BOARD OF
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS [county commissioners] based upon the length
and width of the trailer, the age of the same, and any
appurtenances or structures incident thereto. Upon receipt of
said application and fee, the [county commissioners] BOARD OF
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS shall issue an identification marker which
shall be affixed to the trailer in a prominent place visible from
the exterior as evidence that the tax on said trailer has been
paid. Nothing herein shall be construed as preventing the
[county commissioners] BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS from
adopting a set of rules setting forth what trailers under what
conditions shall be subject to assessment for real property tax
instead of the permit fee herein required, provided that no
trailer assessed for real property tax shall be required to apply
for the permit or pay the permit fee herein provided. Provided
further that the [county commissioners] BOARD OF COUNTY
COMMISSIONERS may by rule vary the time for collection and the
method of payment of the fee herein provided for. Failure to
comply with the provisions of this section shall result in a fine
of seventy-five dollars [($75.00)] ($75) and costs.

take effect July 1, 1988.

Approved May 2, 1988.


(House Bill 1033)

AN ACT concerning

Advisory Council on Infant Mortality

FOR the purpose of creating an Advisory Council on Infant
Mortality in the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene;
providing for membership of the Council and the terms of the
membership; providing for the election of officers;
providing for the powers, duties, meetings, and
reimbursement of members; and generally relating to the
creation of an Advisory Council on Infant Mortality.

BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,

Article - Health - General

Section 2-106

Annotated Code of Maryland

(1982 Replacement Volume and 1987 Supplement)

- 2328 -


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Session Laws, 1988
Volume 770, Page 2328   View pdf image
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