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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 3885   View pdf image
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(D)  Locating job creating facilities in
enterprise zones or areas of high unemployment, urban
redevelopment, or planned unit development;

(E)  Reducing, recycling, or treating solid or
hazardous wastes;

(F)  Assisting in the expansion or modernizing
of existing Maryland industry and the attraction of new and
diverse firms to this State;

(G)  Promoting the health, safety, education or
welfare of the citizens of the State; and

(H) Providing opportunities for minority
business enterprises, as defined in Section 18-601 of the State
Finance and Procurement Article of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, as amended, ("Minority Business Enterprises") as
borrower, lessee or as a contractor or subcontractor for
construction, services, or supplies.

(5) (A) In its application for an allocation, an
Issuer shall justify its request for an allocation by describing
how the Project would be expected to advance one or more of the
goals specified in Section 2(d)(4)(A)-(H) above.

(B) Any State or Local Issuer requesting a
portion of the Secretary's Reserve pursuant to this Section shall
provide the Secretary with any evidence that the Secretary
requires to support such justification and any other information
that the Secretary deems necessary such as public approval
pursuant to Section 147(f) of the Code, evidence of community
support, and evidence of readiness to proceed such as a financing
plan, a feasibility study of the Project, a commitment for credit
enhancement, zoning and land use approval, or other approval from
appropriate State or local agencies.

Section 3. Dollar Amount of Allocation.

(a)  The actual dollar amount of all allocations shall
be determined by the Secretary.

(b)  The amount of any bonds requiring an allocation
issued by an Issuer described in Section 2(a), (b) and (c) above
on any date from January 1, 1987 to the date before the date
hereof shall be considered part of, and not in addition to, the
amount of the initial allocation announced for such Issuer.

(c)  Any issuer described in Sections 2(a), (b) and
(c) above which has issued any bonds on any date from January 1,
1987 to the date prior to the date hereof for which an allocation
is required under the Tax Reform Act shall report, as a condition
to its initial allocation, the amount and type of such bonds to



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Session Laws, 1987
Volume 769, Page 3885   View pdf image
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