issues relating to truck transportation as they pertain to
highway safety; and be. it further
RESOLVED, That the task force on highway safety be composed
(1) 2 members of the House of Delegates, appointed by
the Speaker of the House, and 2 members of the Senate of
Maryland, appointed by the President of the Senate; 3 citizens of
this State representing the general public; a representative of
the Department of Transportation; a representative from the Motor
Vehicle Administration; a representative of the Public Service
Commission who is experienced in transportation issues; a
representative of the Maryland State Police Truck Enforcement
Division; a representative from the Maryland State Police
Automotive Safety Enforcement Division; a representative of the
State Insurance Division of the Department of Licensing and
Regulation; a representative of the Maryland Automobile Insurance
Fund; a representative from the Regional Planning Council who is
experience and has the responsibility for hazardous material
abatement and containment; a representative of the American
Automotive Society Society of Automotive Engineers; a
representative of the American Automobile Association; a
representative of the independent tracking industry; a
representative of organized labor in the tracking industry; a
representative of commercial trucking companies; a representative
from the insurance industry; a representative from the Maryland
Chamber of Commerce; and a representative from the building and
construction trades affiliated with the Maryland State and
District of Columbia AFL-CIO; a representative of the Chemical
Industry; a representative of the Maryland Motor Truckers
Association; and a local fire chief who represents the fire
chiefs of the Council of Governments and has the responsibility
for hazardous material abatement and containment; all of whom to
be appointed by the Governor; and be it further 1 member of the
House of Delegates, who shall be appointed by the Speaker of the
House; 1 member of the Senate, who shall be appointed by the
President of the Senate; and 2 citizens of Maryland representing
the general public; 4 representatives of regulatory and
enforcement agencies of the State; 4 representatives of labor and
management of the trucking industry; and 1 representative of the
insurance industry, each of whom shall be appointed by the
Governor; and be it further
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RESOLVED, That the Governor designate the chairman of the
task force from the public sector members of the task force; and
be it further
RESOLVED, That the task force report its findings and
recommendations to the Governor in 2 reports by January 1, 1988,
and January 1, 1989; and be it further