(c) All projects provided by the Service under this section
remain under the control and operation of the Service. It is
unlawful for a person provided with projects by the Service under
this section to duplicate or use any other project serving the
same purpose.
3-129. .
(a) Except as otherwise provided by this subtitle, and
subject to the provisions of § 1-104 (g) of this article, the
Service may adopt, formulate, revise, and enforce rules and
regulations necessary for the regulation of its internal affairs
and for the use and operation of its projects, and of any other
Laws the administration of which is vested in the Service. A rule
or regulation concerning the use or operation of a project may
not conflict with any rule, regulation, permit, or hauler
certificate of the State Department of [Health and Mental
Hygiene] THE ENVIRONMENT. The Service may limit or regulate water
supply or liquid waste service, refuse collection, disposal
service, and storm and surface water drainage service, in any
area or to any premises served by service projects, as the
exigencies of the occasion and the protection of its systems
require. The Service may adopt lawful regulations it deems
necessary for the public's health and safety, comfort, and
convenience in the construction, operation, maintenance,
expansion, relocation, replacement, renovation, and repair of its
water supply, wastewater purification and solid waste disposal
(a) The Secretary in cooperation with the secretaries of
[Health and Mental Hygiene] THE ENVIRONMENT, Agriculture, State
Planning, and Economic and Community Development and electric
company representatives shall implement a continuing research
program for electric power plant site evaluation and related
environmental and land use considerations. The Secretary shall
seek from additional sources recommendations for related research
to be included in the program. The additional sources shall
include appropriate federal and State agencies, electric
companies and technical, scientific, or educational institutions
or organizations. An initial program shall be documented on or
about January 1, 1972. The Secretary shall institute effective
procedures for coordinating environmental research assignments to
prevent dissipation of money, time, and effort. To this end, the
State's electric companies shall be reimbursed from the Fund for
environmental research specifically required to satisfy
application and permit requirements for any federal, State, or
local regulatory agencies, if the electric company has requested
reimbursement in advance and furnishes an outline of the program
and its estimated cost so that the Secretary can budget it in
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