Ch. 306
integration of, approved State-county master plans for water and
sewerage or solid waste disposal, adopted pursuant to the [Health
-Environmental] ENVIRONMENT Article, but also may take account
of other plans and studies.
(d) As soon as possible after designation of a service
region, the Service shall cause surveys, plans, studies, and
estimates to be made, and after consultation with the
municipalities located within the service region, prepare a
five-year plan for each service region for the most effective and
economical means of providing water supply, wastewater
purification and solid waste disposal projects. In preparing a
five-year plan, the Service shall consider the effects of public
versus private ownership of water and wastewater facilities upon
the provision of dependable, effective, and efficient water and
wastewater services. The five-year plans shall give due
consideration to the need for water supply and wastewater
purification projects included in the approved county water and
sewerage plans adopted in compliance with Title 9 of the [Health
- Environmental] ENVIRONMENT Article. The five-year plans shall
designate the existing facilities or portions that are to be
transferred to the jurisdiction of the Service; improvements to
and extension of existing facilities; construction of new water
supply, wastewater purification, and solid waste disposal
projects; proposed methods of acquisition, ownership, and
operation by the Service or by affected municipalities and
persons, or both together with anticipated expenditures, sources
of revenue, and charges for projects to be levied against
municipalities and persons; and related matters the Service finds
necessary or convenient.
(e) The Service may adopt a five-year plan only after at
least one public hearing in each of the counties affected. At
least 60 days before a hearing, the proposed five-year plan shall
be submitted for review and comment to each county, and person
against whom charges will be levied if trie plan is adopted, to
each municipality, which owns, or. operates a public facility
affected by the plan, and to the secretaries of Natural
Resources, State Planning, and [Health and Mental Hygiene] THE
ENVIRONMENT. A five-year plan can be adopted by the Service only
after it is submitted to and approved by resolution of the
governing body of each county and after consultation with the
governing body of each municipality which owns or operates a
public facility affected by the plan, or if the plan is not
approved by each of the appropriate governing bodies within 120
days following submission of the plan for approval of the
governing bodies, after the plan is approved by joint resolution
of the General Assembly. If a joint resolution of the General
Assembly approving a five-year plan contains any amendments or
modifications to the plan, those amendments and modifications
repeal the plan to the extent of any inconsistency. The
provisions of this subtitles do not authorize the Service to take
any action which would be inconsistent with the amendments or
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