Bill 5
AN ACT to amend Chapter 31 of the Wicomico County Code,
titled "Election Districts" by amending Section 1 thereof, titled
"Division into districts; polling places".
Adopted February 13, 1985.
Bill 6
AN ACT to amend Chapter 200, titled "Subdivision of Land" by
amending Section 23, titled "Guarantees in lieu of completed
Adopted February 13, 1985.
Bill 7
AN ORDINANCE adopted pursuant to the Maryland Economic
Development Revenue Bond Act authorizing Wicomico County,
Maryland, to issue and sell its bonds, as its limited obligations
and not upon its faith and credit or pledge of its taxing power,
up to the aggregate amount of Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000)
all at the request, and for the purpose of financing the costs of
the acquisition and construction (jointly the "acquisition") by
IPC Limited Partnership, a Delaware limited partnership, of a
certain facility, consisting generally of the acquisition and
construction of a 35,000 square foot facility and the purchase
and installation of certain necessary or useful equipment and
machinery for the development and manufacture of precision rubber
products for the health care market, such facility to be located
at Beam Street in Salisbury, Wicomico County, Maryland;
specifying and describing the facility to be financed; describing
generally the public purposes to be served and the financing
transaction to be accomplished; specifying the maximum aggregate
principal amount of such bonds that may be issued; authorizing
the County Council administratively, by resolution, to specify,
prescribe, determine, provide for or approve certain matters,
details, forms, documents or procedures appropriate to the
authorization, sale, security, issuance, delivery, or payment of
or for such bonds; and specifying and describing various matters
in connection therewith, as required or permitted by such Act.
Adopted June 18, 1985.
Bill 8