Volume 768, Page 4449 View pdf image |
INDEX 4449 Chapter HB 672 Delegates Young & Oaks........................... 482 HB 678 Delegate Bartenfelder, et al..................... 217 HB 680 Delegate Cox..................................... 483 HB 681 Delegates Devlin & Boergers...................... 736 HB 682 Delegate Edwards................................. 737 HB 684 Delegate Edwards................................. 59 HB 685 Delegate Edwards................................. 60 HB 692 Delegate Home................................... 738 HB 693 Delegates Kasemeyer & Taylor..................... 739 HB 695 Delegate LaMotte, et al.......................... 740 HB 697 Delegate Leopold, et al.......................... 484 HB 698 Delegate Mitchell (Dept.)........................ 218 HB 700 Delegate Mitchell................................ 61 HB 701 Delegate Mitchell................................ 62 HB 702 Delegate Mitchell................................ 63 HB 710 Delegate Slade, et al............................ 219 HB 711 The Speaker (Administration) & Delegate Davis.... 637 HB 714 Delegate Staab (Chrm., Baltimore Co. Delegation). 485 HB 719 Delegate Toth, et al............................. 486 HB 721 Delegate Thomas, et al........................... 487 HB 723 Delegate Woods, et al............................ 741 HB 740 Delegate Bell.................................... 220 HB 746 Delegate Clark, et al............................ 488 HB 749 Delegates Cardin & Young......................... 489 HB 756 Delegate Hagner.................................. 742 HB 758 Delegate Hagner.................................. 743 HB 759 Harford County Delegation & Delegate Murray...... 221 HB 761 Delegates LaMotte & Arnick....................... 744 HB 770 Delegate Rosenberg, et al........................ 490 HB 772 Delegates Rawlings & M. Murphy................... 491 HB 776 Delegate Thomas, et al........................... 101 HB 778 Delegate Vallario, et al......................... 127 HB 782 Delegates Young & Koss (Dept.) & Western Md. Del. 745 HB 784 Washington County Delegation..................... 492 HB 785 Delegate Wynn, et al............................. 493 HB 789 The Speaker, et al............................... 854 HB 790 The Speaker (Administration), et al.............. 112 HB 791 Delegates Taylor & Kasemeyer..................... 494 HB 793 Chairman, Anne Arundel County Delegation......... 222 HB 794 Delegate Astle................................... 223 HB 795 Delegate Astle, et al............................ 64 HB 799 Chairman, Anne Arundel County Delegation......... 746 HB 800 Chairman, Anne Arundel County Delegation......... 224 HB 802 Delegate Arnick.................................. 495 HB 803 Delegate Arnick (By Request)..................... 496 HB 810 Delegate Bartenfelder, et al..................... 65 HB 815 Delegate Cox, et al.............................. 225 HB 820 Delegate Curran.................................. 226 HB 823 Delegate Devlin, et al........................... 227 HB 826 Delegate Edwards................................. 228 HB 827 Delegate Edwards................................. 497 HB 828 Eastern Shore Delegation......................... 498 HB 830 Frederick County Delegation...................... 66 HB 831 Frederick County Delegation...................... 67 HB 832 Frederick County Delegation...................... 499
Volume 768, Page 4449 View pdf image |
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