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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 4084   View pdf image
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however styled, established by any
depositor, including but. not limited to
statement savings and passbook savings
accounts, business savings accounts,
certificates of deposit, any form of
negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW)
accounts, and time open accounts
evidenced by any form of account
agreement, and any form of loan account,
including but not limited to any type of
loan, loan commitment, line of credit or
letter of credit, or any escrow account
established in connection with any of the

(3)  "Chesapeake" means Chesapeake Savings and
Loan Association.

(4)  "Friendship" means Friendship Savings and
Loan Association.

(5)  "Withdrawal" means any outflow of funds
by any means whatsoever, including but
not limited to withdrawal by check,
draft, note negotiable order of
withdrawal, money order, travelers check,
paper originated internal debit item to a
depositor's account (such as an automatic
loan payment), repurchase agreement,
electronic payment (such as direct debit,
automatic teller machine transaction
through a proprietary machine or any
network of machines of which Friendship
and Chesapeake may be a member,
intra-institutional withdrawal or
transfer, or domestic or international
wire transfer), and an institutional
contractual obligation involving an
account and the withdrawal of funds,
including but not limited to outflow
under lines of credit, letters of credit,
or any type of loan or loan commitment.

(b)  Effective at 7:00 p.m. on October 16, 1985 and
for a 20 consecutive day period commencing
from the date of this Order, no withdrawal of
any kind or nature shall be permitted from any
depositor's account at Friendship and

(c)  Notwithstanding any provisions of the Uniform
Commercial Code, the midnight deadline, or the
time within which negotiable orders of
withdrawal drawn upon a savings and loan
association may be dishonored, is extended to


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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 4084   View pdf image
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