various sources by July 1, 1988 by January 1, 1987; and be it
RESOLVED, That the detailed expanded plan shall include:
(1) Suggested target loads, expressed in pounds of
nutrients, for each major tributary in the State, including each
river basin for which a 208 plan has been prepared;
(2) Alternate point and nonpoint source control
strategies that are capable of achieving the target loads;
(3) An evaluation of appropriate Appropriate An
evaluation of appropriate water quality regulatory mechanisms for
achieving the target loads;
(4) Recommendations for the The establishment of an
effective long-term framework to address nutrient enrichment in
the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries; and
(5) Recommendations for both short-term Short-term
Recommendations for both short-term and long-term research on the
effects of nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment; and be it further
RESOLVED, That for point sources of nutrients, the detailed
expanded plan shall include:
(1) An inventory of all planned and existing sewage
treatment plants discharging to the Chesapeake Bay or its
tributaries, documenting plans for nutrient removal, including
implementation schedules and anticipated nutrient effluent
(2) A critical review of the implementation of the
Upper Chesapeake Bay Phosphorus Policy, including recommendations
for revision of the policy where appropriate;
(3) An evaluation of the extent to which both federal
and State financial assistance is or will be available for
nutrient removal; and
(4) A brief evaluation of point source nutrient
control technologies, including a review of the extent to which
sewage treatment plants can be modified to achieve greater
nutrient removal; and be it further
RESOLVED, That for nonpoint sources of nutrients, the
detailed expanded plan shall include:
(1) A detailed An inventory of priority areas that
are or will be managed to reduce nutrient runoff, including
implementation schedules, with the inventory reflecting the
affected acreage and animal units in each basin and quantifying,
to the extent possible, the nutrients being controlled with the
best management practices; and