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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3523   View pdf image
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HARRY HUGHES, Governor                                      3523

would unduly burden the text and frustrate the purpose of this
Resolution . ; and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be forwarded by the
Department of Legislative Reference to the Honorable Harry
Hughes, Governor of Maryland; the President, Maryland State Bar
Association, 207 E. Redwood St., Suite 905, Baltimore, MP
21202-9956; and the President, Maryland Home Builders
Association, 920 Providence Rd., Towson, MP 21204.

Signed May 13, 1986.

No. 5

(Senate Joint Resolution No. 3)

A Senate Joint Resolution concerning

The Governor's Salary Commission - Salary Recommendations for
Governor and Lieutenant Governor

FOR the purpose of establishing the salaries to be paid the
Governor and Lieutenant Governor, as directed by Article II,
Section 21A of the Maryland Constitution, for the 4-year
term of office beginning January 21, 1987.

Article II, Section 21A of the Maryland Constitution
establishes a 7 member Governor's Salary Commission comprised of
the State Treasurer, 3 members appointed by the President of the
Senate, and 3 members appointed by the Speaker of the House of
Delegates. The Governor's Salary Commission is currently
constituted as follows: State Treasurer, William S. James;
appointments by the President of the Senate: Richard J.
Davidson, Lillian E. Dorsey, and Jay E. Yospe; appointments by
the Speaker of the House of Delegates: Charles O. Fisher, Sr.,
Tessa Hill, and Thomas J. Hutchison. The Commission elected
Charles O. Fisher, Sr. Chairman.

Pursuant to Article II, Section 21A of the Maryland
Constitution, this Senate Joint Resolution may be amended to
decrease but not increase the salaries recommended by the
Governor's Salary Commission, although the salaries may not be
decreased below their January, 1986 levels. If the General
Assembly fails to adopt a Joint Resolution in accordance with
Article II, Section 21A, within 50 calendar days after
introduction of this Joint Resolution, the salaries recommended
by the Governor's Salary Commission shall apply effective January
21, 1987. If the General Assembly amends the Joint Resolution,
the salaries specified in the Joint Resolution, as amended, shall


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Session Laws, 1986
Volume 768, Page 3523   View pdf image
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