Assembly, the same shall take effect from the date of its
Approved May 27, 1986.
(Senate Bill 965)
AN ACT concerning
Wicomico County - Gaming - Licenses Wicomico and Worcester
Counties - Gaming - Permits and Licenses
FOR the purpose of altering certain provisions of law relating to
gaming licenses in Wicomico County; authorizing the Sheriff
of Wicomico County to issue licenses to conduct raffles;
establishing certain information requirements for
applications and licenses; authorizing certain persons to
conduct certain games and gaming devices; prohibiting the
payment of certain compensation; authorizing the Sheriff to
charge a certain fee for certain licenses; establishing
requirements for certain licenses; prohibiting a minor under
a certain age from playing or operating a gaming device;
making stylistic changes; altering the types of
organizations which may conduct fund-raising affairs under
certain circumstances in Worcester County using gaming
devices; altering the circumstances under which the County
Commissioners of Worcester County may issue permits to
Worcester County Commissioners for
Worcester County to determine if an organization qualifies
for a permit; providing for a certain exception; providing
for certain management and operation restrictions; providing
for a multiple gaming device permit approval and issuance
limitations; restricting the number of permits that may be
issued under certain circumstances; restricting the time
period for which a permit is valid under certain
circumstances; regulating the location of fund-raisers;
requiring that a certain percentage of the funds derived
from multiple gaming device fund-raisers be used for certain
purposes; defining a term; establishing certain reporting
requirements; providing that this Act does not authorize the
use of slot machines for gambling purposes; and generally
relating to gaming devices in Worcester County and their
regulation; and generally relating to gaming licenses in
Wicomico County Wicomico and Worcester counties.
BY repealing
Article 27 - Crimes and Punishments
Section 251B
Annotated Code of Maryland