Ch. 11
Purchasing Bureau, the War Memorial Commission, the State
Planning Commission, and the Patuxent River Commission;
revising the laws relating to the Secretaries of Budget and
Fiscal Planning, General Services, and State Planning and to
their staffs; revising the laws relating to the Board of
Revenue Estimates and the Bureau of Revenue Estimates,
including its Chief and staff; revising certain laws
relating to the Board of Public Works and its staff;
revising the laws relating to the Capital Debt Affordability
Committee; revising the laws delineating the fiscal year and
its use by the State and by local governments; revising the
laws relating to certain reports on finances; revising the
laws relating to gifts and grants; revising the laws
relating to facsimile signatures and seals; revising certain
laws relating to securities; revising the laws relating to
public facilities, structures, improvements, improved areas,
lands, grounds, and works, including the laws relating to
their acquisition, maintenance, operation, repair,
protection, and energy consumption and the laws relating to
facilities for handicapped individuals; revising certain
provisions relating to procurement of equipment, supplies,
and services, including information processing equipment and
services, water, sewer, and sewerage services, motor
vehicles, and other property; revising the laws relating to
excess and surplus property and the sale of State property;
revising the laws relating to governmental coordination,
cooperation, and assistance in planning; revising the laws
relating to information management; revising the laws
relating to the State Development Plan and the capital
program of the State; revising the laws relating ' to the
Policy Plan for the Patuxent River Watershed; revising the
laws relating to revenues of the State, including the laws
relating to revenue estimates, to State depositaries and
custodial depositaries, to deposits of money into the State
Treasury and investment of those funds, and to accounts and
other records; revising the laws relating to the State
operating budget and the consolidated loan budget and to
appropriation measures; revising the laws relating to
disbursement of money from the State Treasury, to
expenditure of money by officers, units, and
instrumentalities of the State and certain other entities,
to disposition of unspent balances, and to supervision of
recipients of such money; revising certain provisions
relating to requests for appropriations and expenditure of
appropriations under . the Consolidated Transportation
Program; revising the laws relating to the general
obligation debt of the State and the laws relating to bonds
and other obligations of units and instrumentalities of the
State; revising the laws relating to the State Insurance
Program; revising the laws relating to conveyance of title
to lands owned by the State due to their relationship to
State waters; defining certain terms; decodifying certain
laws relating to State finance and procurement; providing
for the effect, construction, and effective date of the
provisions of this Act; and. generally relating to State
finance and procurement.