(2) A U. S. Geological Survey quadrangle sheet, 7 1/2
minute series enlarged to a scale satisfactory to the Department
showing the location of the land affected by the contemplated
operation. The map shall be prepared and certified by a
registered engineer or registered surveyor approved by the
Department. It shall show the boundaries of the area of land
which will be affected, the drainage area above and below the
area, the location and names of all streams, roads, railroads,
buildings, and utility lines on or immediately adjacent to the
area, the name of the owner of the area, the boundaries and names
of the owners of all surface areas abutting the permit area, and
the nearest municipality;
(3) The results of test borings which the operator
has conducted at the site of the proposed operation. The
application shall include data such as the nature and depth of
the overburden, the thickness of the coal seam, a complete
analysis of the coal seam and soil samples, the crop line and
strike and dip of the coal seam, and the location of the test
boring holes;
(4) A determination of the probable hydrologic
consequences of the mining and reclamation operations upon
surface and ground waters both on and off the permit area. The
cost of analysis of test borings or core samplings and the
determination of probable hydrologic consequences may be assumed
by the Department upon the request of an operator if the
Department determines that the projected total annual production
by the operator at all permits is less than 100,000 tons.
Information pertaining to the coal seam, test borings, core
samples and soil samples shall be available to the public except
that information as to the chemical and physical properties of
the coal seam other than its potential toxicity shall be
(5) A certificate stating that the applicant has a
liability insurance policy for the operation for which the permit
is sought in such amount as the Department determines to be
necessary to compensate any person injured or damaged by the
(6) A permit fee of $10.
(7) A detailed mining and reclamation plan showing at
a minimum, the method for construction of all haul roads, the
method for removing and stockpiling topsoil material, the method
of mining, a plan for blasting, a plan for control of drainage
from the site, a plan for and method of backfilling and
regrading, and a plan for revegetation of the area affected.
(d) Procedures for review of an application shall be as