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Session Laws, 1985
Volume 760, Page 2479   View pdf image
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HARRY HUGHES, Governor                                     2479

take effect June 1, 1985.

Approved May 21, 1985.


(House Bill 1642)

AN ACT concerning

Washington County - Public Facilities Bonds

FOR the purpose of authorizing and empowering the County
Commissioners of Washington County, from time to time, to
borrow not more than $5,000,000 in order to finance the cost
of certain public facilities in Washington County, as herein
defined, and to effect such borrowing by the issuance and
sale at public or private sale of its general obligation
bonds in like par amount; empowering the County to fix and
determine, by resolution, the form, tenor, interest rate or
rates or method of determining the same, terms, conditions,
maturities and all other details incident to the issuance
and sale of the bonds; empowering the County to loan or
grant the proceeds of certain bonds authorized under this
Act to the Board of Trustees of Hagerstown Junior College
and to enter into a certain agreement in connection with the
issuance and use of proceeds of the bonds; empowering the
County to issue refunding bonds for the purchase or
redemption of bonds in advance of maturity; empowering and
directing the County to levy, impose and collect, annually,
ad valorem taxes in rate and amount sufficient to provide
funds for the payment of the maturing principal of and
interest on the bonds; exempting the bonds and refunding
bonds, and the interest thereon and any income derived
therefrom, from all State, county, municipal, and other
taxation in the State of Maryland; and relating generally to
the issuance and sale of such bonds.

MARYLAND, That, as used herein, the term "County" means the body
politic and corporate of the State of Maryland known as the
County Commissioners of Washington County, and the term "public
facilities" means: (i) the planning, design, construction, and
equipping of an athletic facility on the campus of the Hagerstown
Junior College, in an amount not exceeding $3,000,000, to be used
by the residents of Washington County for athletic, physical
education, and recreational purposes; (ii) the general
development of the Washington County golf course, including the
landscaping of the grounds thereof, in an amount not exceeding
$1,500,000; and (iii) the construction and equipping of a
swimming pool to be located on the property in Washington County


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Session Laws, 1985
Volume 760, Page 2479   View pdf image
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