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Session Laws, 1985
Volume 760, Page 2472   View pdf image
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2472                                         LAWS OF MARYLAND                                     Ch. 466

(c)  For each calendar month during which the inmate has
manifested exceptional industry, application, and skill in the
performance of industrial, agricultural, or administrative tasks
assigned to the inmate, the inmate may be allowed an additional
deduction of 5 days from the period of the commitment or
sentence. These deductions shall commence on the first day that
the task is performed and shall be made on a prorated basis for
any portion of a calendar month during which the inmate performed
the task. The Commissioner shall establish regulations governing
the determination of deductions authorized by this subsection.
This subsection shall not be construed to authorize any
additional deduction because of work performed before June 1,
1943, and all deductions for conduct and industry prior to that
date shall be governed by this section as it read prior to June
1, 1941.

(d)  For each calendar month during which the inmate has
manifested satisfactory industry, application, and progress in
vocational or other educational and training courses, the inmate
may be allowed an additional deduction of 5 days from the period
of the commitment or sentence. Such deductions shall commence on
the first day that the inmate participates in such courses and
shall be made on a prorated basis for any portion of the calendar
month during which the inmate participated in the course.
Deductions for those who were inmates on June 1, 1950, shall
commence on that date. This subsection does not authorize any
additional deduction because of industry or progress made in
vocational or other educational training before June 1, 1950. No
inmate shall be allowed a deduction of more than 5 days for any
month under the combined provisions of this subsection and
subsection (c) of this section.

(e)  For [each and every] A violation of the APPLICABLE
rules of discipline [of the institution, for want of fidelity or
care in the performance of work, or for lack of industry,
application, or progress in vocational or educational training],
the Division may [deduct all gained time in the month in which
such violation or delinquency occurs. The Division may also
deduct] REVOKE a portion or all of the [time gained for good
conduct] DEDUCTIONS ALLOWED under subsections (b) and (f) of this
section according to the nature and frequency of the violation
[or delinquency]. The [deduction] DEDUCTIONS allowed and earned
under subsections (c) and (d) of this section shall not be
affected by the provisions of this subsection. Any credits
forfeited pursuant to this subsection may be restored. The
Commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations governing the
restoration of forfeited credits.

(f)  For each calendar month or fraction thereof commencing
on the first day of assignment, during which the inmate has
manifested satisfactory industry, application, and progress in
special selected work projects, or other special programs, the
inmate may be allowed an additional deduction of days, not
exceeding 5 in number, from the period of the commitment or
sentence. Such projects and programs shall be designated by the


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Session Laws, 1985
Volume 760, Page 2472   View pdf image
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