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Session Laws, 1985
Volume 760, Page 2242   View pdf image
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2242                                          LAWS OF MARYLAND                                      Ch. 348

Any person appointed stenographer, as provided in the
preceding section, who shall violate or permit to be violated in
any manner any of the provisions of this section as to secrecy,
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof,
shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than five
hundred dollars, or be confined in jail for a period of not more
than six months, or be both fined and imprisoned, in the
discretion of the court.]


Any person appointed clerk under the provisions of section
5-503 of this Code, and having duly qualified, shall attend and
be present at the sessions of the grand jury so empaneled in the
circuit court, and it shall be his duty to take fully and
properly in shorthand any testimony given before the grand jury,
and to furnish to such grand jury and the state's attorney
promptly and immediately a full and complete transcript or
transcripts of such testimony so taken as the grand jury and
state's attorney shall require, and he shall not permit any other
person to take a copy of the same, or any portion thereof, nor
shall he read to or permit to be read by any person any part of
the same, nor shall he disclose the character or any of the
contents of the same to any person or persons other than the
grand jury, or a member thereof, and the state's attorney, except
when required so to do by the order of the circuit court. All of
such original notes and minutes shall be kept in the custody of
the state's attorney, and neither a copy nor memorandum of the
same shall be taken from the office of the state's attorney,
except for the use of a grand jury of the county, or for
production in court, excepting, however, when otherwise ordered
by the circuit court; and, all of such notes and transcripts of
testimony may be destroyed by the state's attorney upon his
application to and written authority of the court first


The person so selected and appointed stenographer, as
provided in section 5-503 of this Code, shall serve only during
the sessions of the particular grand jury for which he was
appointed, or for such special cases as may be required, which
shall clearly appear in the order of his appointment, shall
receive a proper compensation for his services, to be determined
by the order of the circuit court and fixed, not exceeding the
amount of five dollars per diem when he shall be employed, and he
shall be allowed such reasonable expenses as the court may deem
proper and right. He shall be paid by the county council in like
manner as the members of the grand jury are paid, upon
certificate of the clerk of the circuit court, when duly
appointed by one of the judges of such court.]


There is hereby created and established the county juvenile
probation department.]


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Session Laws, 1985
Volume 760, Page 2242   View pdf image
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