Ch. 304
(i) A county or a municipal corporation, or
both; or
(ii) A nonprofit organization.
(d) "Nonprofit organization" means:
(i) A bona fide religious organization, no part
of the earnings of which inures to the benefit of any individual
or is used for any purpose other than the maintenance and
operation of the facility, the purchase of equipment to be used
in the facility, or the expansion of the facility; or
(ii) An organization:
1. That is chartered as a nonprofit
corporation and classified by the Internal Revenue Service as
nonprofit; and
2. No part of the earnings of which
inures to the benefit of any individual or is used for any
purpose other than the maintenance and operation of the facility,
the purchase of equipment to be used in the facility, or the
expansion of the facility.
(e) "Nursing home" means a home for the accommodation
of convalescents or other persons who are not acutely ill or in
need of hospital care, but who require skilled or long-term
nursing care and other related medical services.
(5) Any public or other nonprofit entity sponsoring a
project involving the construction, renovation, or equipping of a
facility in this State may apply to the Department for a State
grant to be applied toward the cost of that project. The
application shall be directed to the Secretary of Health and
Mental Hygiene. On approval of a project and the project plans
by the Department, the Secretary shall promptly report the
application to the Board of Public Works, together with the
Secretary's recommendation that the Board make funds available as
provided in this Act.
(6) (a) Before the Department approves any project, the
applicant shall file with the Department:
(i) A statement listing the personnel employed
or to be employed at the facility and showing all remuneration
and perquisites for personal services and all other expenses paid
or to be paid to these personnel, as well as all other expenses
incurred or to be incurred in operating the facility; and
(ii) The schedule of rates charged or to be
charged for services rendered.
(b) Before the Department approves any project, the
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene shall have adopted