shall have the force of law, in the same manner as if they had
been originally incorporated in the schedule. Each employee in
the classified and in the unclassified service shall be paid at
one of the rates set forth in the pay plan for the grade or class
of positions in which he is employed. The pay plan shall be used
by the Governor in the preparation and submission of his budget.
Provided, that positions upon the faculties of the University of
Maryland, State colleges and Morgan State College, all registrars
and librarians designated as holding faculty rank by the
respective boards of trustees of the State colleges, St. Mary's
Female Seminary, Morgan State College and University of Maryland,
teachers, principals, directors of education and supervisors of
vocational education on the staffs of Boys' Village of Maryland,
[Maryland Training School for Boys] CHARLES H. HICKEY, JR.
SCHOOL, Montrose School, Victor Cullen School, and any and all
other institutions which are under the supervision, direction,
control and general management of the State Juvenile Services
Administration or Department of Human Resources, but not the
noninstructional personnel of the institutions shall be excluded
from the pay plan.
Article - Education
(a) An individual employed as a teacher, principal,
director of education, or supervisor of vocational education on
the staffs of the following institutions or in the following
programs shall be paid an annual salary of not less than the
salary received by a public school teacher of similar training
and experience in the county where the institution is located:
(1) Boys' Village of Maryland;
(2) [Maryland Training School for Boys] CHARLES H.
(3) Montrose School;
(4) Victor Cullen School;
(5) Any other institution that is under the
jurisdiction of the Department of Human Resources or the
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; and
(6) Any vocational rehabilitation programs of the
State Department of Education, the Division of Correction of the
Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, or the
Patuxent Institution.
Article - Health - General