BY repealing
Article 40 - General Assembly
In its entirety
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1982 Replacement Volume and 1983 Supplement)
BY repealing
Article 41 - Governor - Executive and Administrative
Section 2, 2A, 3, 3A(b) and (c), 3C, 3D, 3E, 5 through 10,
inclusive, 11, 11A, 12, 13, 14H, 14-1, 15, 15A, 15C,
15CA through 15CE, inclusive, 15D through 15K,
inclusive, 44, 45 through 49, inclusive, 71A through
79B, inclusive, 82 through 87, inclusive, 89, 104
through 106, inclusive, 131B through 131D,
inclusive, 153, 154, 188B, 199, 204D(f), 206A(b),
216(b), 221A(b), 226(f), 244 through 256A,
inclusive, 256B through 256E, inclusive, 256F(a)
through (i) and (k), 256G through 256R, inclusive,
256T, 360, 407 through 408A, inclusive, and 483
through 489, inclusive, and the subtitles and
subheadings "Head of Department", "Executive
Organization", "Executive Orders", "Lieutenant
Governor", "Gubernatorial Transition Act",
"Governor's Executive Council", "Maryland Fish",
"Maryland Flag", "Maryland Seal", "Maryland Flower",
"Maryland Tree", "Maryland State Bird", "Poet
Laureate", "Maryland Dog", "Maryland State Insect",
"State Theaters", "Poetry Day", "Law Day U.S.A.",
"Maryland State Song", "Maryland Sport", "John
Hanson's Birthday", "Publication of Laws", "State
Manual", "Division of State Documents",
"Commissioners for Uniform State Laws", "Names of
Executive Agencies", "3. The Department of Law",
"24. Administrative Procedure Act", "24A. State
Documents Law", "31. Capital City Commission", "38.
The State House Trust", "38A. The Government House
Trust", "48. Office of Minority Affairs", and "49.
Program Evaluation Act"
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1982 Replacement Volume and 1983 Supplement)
BY repealing
Article 54 - Hall of Records
Section 6, 8, 9, 10, 11(a), and 13
Annotated Code of Maryland
(1979 Replacement Volume and 1983 Supplement)