The Board shall designate a director to coordinate its
program of recreation for Prince George's County with the
Commission's park functions. The Board shall employ full and
part-time personnel as necessary to carry out the functions and
programs provided herein. Full-time personnel shall be employed
according to and shall be placed under the provisions of the
Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission's merit
system as provided in this article. Part-time or temporary
personnel may be appointed by the Board for such a period of time
and at such a salary as the Board may determine. The services of
volunteer workers without compensation may also be accepted by
the Board. All personnel employed by the recreation department
on [the effective date of this act] JULY 1, 1970 who are under
the provisions of the Prince George's County merit system shall
be employed by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning
Commission in such capacity as will further the functions and
programs provided herein, in each position classification as the
Board may establish, and at a pay grade not less than that
occupied in the Prince George's County merit system. Employees
transferring to the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning
Commission pursuant to this subtitle shall be given credit for
sick and annual leave purposes for service under the Prince
George's County merit system and for any other benefits,
privileges and rights accrued while employed by Prince George's
(b) The total amount of bonds outstanding at any time may
not exceed an amount that can be redeemed within 30 years from
date of issue by means of so much of the tax or taxes hereinafter
[authorized,] AUTHORIZED as is pledged to the payment of the
bonds, to the extent that the taxes are or are proposed to be
levied in Montgomery County or Prince George's County, or both.
In making the calculation to determine compliance with the
limitation contained in this subsection, the Commission may make
the following assumption: (i) continued future levy of the tax or
taxes at the rate established by each county; (ii) 100 percent
collection of the tax in each fiscal year; (iii) the assessed
value of property at the time the bonds are issued will remain
(f) (1) For the purpose of paying the cost of any
facilities in Prince George's County, for the use or benefit of
which the Commission proposes to make or authorize a charge, and
which will comprise an integral part of the park and recreation
systems of the Commission, authority is conferred on the
Commission, in addition to all authority conferred elsewhere in
this [title] TITLE, to issue its bonds payable as to principal
and interest solely or in part from the net or gross rents or
revenues realized by the Commission from any such facilities.
These bonds shall be designated revenue bonds; the amount thereof