Road; thence, in a northerly direction, with and along the
centerline of said Church Road, to its point of intersection with
John Hanson Highway (U. S. Route 50); thence, with the
centerline of the said John Hanson Highway (U. S. Route 50), in
a westerly direction to the point of beginning.
[4.] (4) That portion of the Piscataway Election
District (No. 5) lying north of Piscataway Creek, being described
as follows: Beginning for the same at a point in the westernmost
boundary line of Prince George's County, Piscataway Election
District (No. 5), and the southernmost portion of the
Maryland-Washington Metropolitan District, as heretofore
established, where the same intersects the Fairfax County,
Virginia, boundary line, at the southwest corner of the Oxon Hill
Election District (No. 12), and running thence in a southerly
direction to Sheridan Point; thence, in an easterly direction,
meandering with, and along, the centerline of Piscataway Creek to
its point of intersection with the southwesternmost corner of
Surratt's Election District (No. 9); thence, with and along the
westernmost boundary of said Surratt's Election District (No. 9),
and the centerline of Tippett Road, in a northerly direction to
the centerline of Piscataway Road; thence, in a northeasterly
direction, with and along the centerline of said Piscataway Road,
to its point of intersection with the centerline of Steed Road;
thence, in a northwesterly direction, with and along the
centerline of said Steed Road, to its point of intersection with
the centerline of Allentown Road; thence, in a northerly
direction, with and along the centerline of said Allentown Road,
to its point of intersection with the centerline of Palmer Road;
thence, in a westerly and southerly direction, with and along the
centerline of said Palmer Road, to its point of intersection with
the Hunters Mill Branch of Broad Creek; thence, with and along
the centerline of said Hunters Mill Branch of Broad Creek, in a
westerly direction, to its point of intersection with Broad
Creek; thence, with the centerline of said Broad Creek and also
the boundary line of the Oxon Hill Election District (No. 12), in
a southerly and westerly direction, to the point of beginning.
(a) All of the area of Montgomery County not included
within the Maryland-Washington Metropolitan District as it is now
or may hereafter be defined, with the exception of the area now
or hereafter located within the boundaries of municipal
corporations as defined in Article 23A, [§ 9,] § 9 of [this] THE
Code, is hereby added to the Maryland-Washington Metropolitan
District and is designated the "Upper Montgomery County
Metropolitan [District."] DISTRICT". For purposes of taxation,
this shall constitute a special taxing district in which the
Montgomery County Council is authorized to levy annually a tax of
not to exceed five cents on each $100 of assessable property
within the Upper Montgomery County Metropolitan District, which
tax shall be collected and paid over to the Maryland-National
Capital Park and Planning Commission and shall be expended by the
Commission for the acquisition, maintenance and development of