to Article IIA, heading, Willoughby Beach Water Subdistrict, to
Chapter 24, heading, Water and Sewers, of the Harford County
Code, as amended; to provide for the establishment of the
Willoughby Beach Water Subdistrict in Harford County, to
delineate the properties in the subdistrict, to provide for rates
for water users in subdistrict, and to further provide for
penalties for violations of this act.
Effective Date January 5, 1984.
Bill No. 83-68
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Subsection (d)
(5) of Section 25-5.6, heading, Accessory Uses and Structures, of
Article II, heading, Zoning Code, of Chapter 25, heading, Zoning,
of the Harford County Code, as amended; to provide for further
clarification of the criteria for home occupations or
professional offices.
Effective Date January 5, 1984.
Bill No. 83-69
AN EMERGENCY ACT to provide the County Executive with the
authorization to execute, on behalf of Harford County, Maryland,
an agreement with the State of Maryland, pursuant to which
Harford County, Maryland, would borrow from the State Department
of Health and Mental Hygiene the sum of $500,000 to pay a portion
of the County's share of the cost of the Sod Run Wastewater
Treatment Plant Expansion Project, all in accordance with
Sections 520 and 524 of the Charter of Harford County, Maryland.
Effective Date January 5, 1984.
Bill No. 83-72
AN EMERGENCY ACT to repeal the rates for water service in
the Route 1 - Fallston Commercial Corridor, as established in
Bill Number 83-36, effective August 11, 1983; and to enact new
rates for that area; and to provide that the increased rates
shall take effect on the date this act becomes law.
Effective Date January 18, 1984.