Bill No. 83-44
AN ACT to repeal in their entirety the following Sections of
the Code of Public Local Laws of Harford County, (1965 edition,
as amended, 1971 supplement); Section 2-33, heading, Election
Districts, subheading, Boundaries; Section 2-34, heading,
Election Districts, subheading, Boundaries of Certain Districts,
and to add new Article I, heading, Election Districts, to Chapter
VIII, heading, Elections, of the Harford County Code, as amended;
to repeal sections of the Code of Public Local Laws of Harford
County providing for the physical boundaries of the six Election
Districts for the County; to establish and codify into the
Harford County Code, the physical boundaries of the six Election
Districts for Harford County, as they exist now and as last
amended in 1969.
Effective Date October 6, 1983.
Bill No. 83-52
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Subsection
25-5.6(c)(5) of Section 25-5.6, heading, Accessory Uses and
Structures, of Article II, heading, Zoning Code, of Chapter 25,
heading, Zoning, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to
provide for the reduction in the need for variances and to
eliminate hardships for citizens applying for variances.
Effective Date November 3, 1983.
Bill No. 83-55
AN ACT to amend the Zoning District Maps, adopted pursuant
to Bill No. 82-40, as amended, and enacted into law by Harford
County, Maryland; to amend the zoning classifications depicted
upon the Zoning District Maps for the below-described properties,
to correct mapping errors.
Effective Date November 17, 1983.
Bill No. 83-56
AN ACT to add new Subsection (1), heading, Conditions of
Approval, to Section 25.3.3, heading, Board of Appeals, of
Article II, heading, Zoning Code, of Chapter 25, heading, Zoning,