that a secondhand merchandise shop located in a B3 District be
permitted to have outside storage of materials or equipment
during daylight hours only.
Effective Date May 19, 1983.
Bill No. 83-32
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments, Table 1,
heading, Principal Permitted Uses For Specific Zoning Districts,
Amusements, of Section 25-6.2, heading, Principal Permitted Uses
By Districts, and to add new Subsection (11) to Subsection (a),
heading, Amusements, of Section 25-8.3, heading, Standards For
Specific Special Exceptions, all of Article II, heading, Zoning
Code, of Chapter 25, heading, Zoning, of the Harford County Code,
as amended; to provide that indoor theater uses be special
exceptions in the Agricultural Zoning District; to establish
specific use requirements for indoor theater uses in an
Agricultural District; and to generally provide for indoor
theater uses as a special exception in an Agricultural District.
Effective Date July 7, 1983.
Bill No. 83-33 (as amended)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Article XV,
heading, Fiscal Impact Notes, of Chapter 2, heading,
Administration, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to amend
administrative procedures in providing fiscal impact notes for
bills, resolutions, and executive orders; and to provide,
generally, for fiscal impact notes prepared by the Treasurer.
Effective Date July 20, 1983.
Bill No. 83-35
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Subsection
(34) of Section 25-2.4, heading, Definitions, of Chapter 25,
heading, Zoning, of Article II, heading, Zoning Code, of the
Harford County Code, as amended; to provide for compliance with
existing state regulations.
Effective Date August 4, 1983.