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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 4180   View pdf image
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Coordination Process

(a)   In order for Maryland to secure the benefits of
intergovernmental cooperation and coordination,
and in order to provide a simple, uniform, and
consistent mechanism for State, regional, and
local public officials to learn about and
comment on proposed federal financial assistance
and direct federal development, the Maryland
Intergovernmental Review and Coordination
Process is established. The Process shall serve
as Maryland's designated process for determining
the views of State and local elected officials
and regional officials concerning proposed
federal financial assistance and direct federal

(b)   The Maryland Intergovernmental Review and
Coordination Process shall facilitate the
exchange of information among federal approval
authorities, other proponents of federal action,
and officials of general purpose governments
within the State.

Section 2. Duties of the Department of State Planning

In order to carry out federal law and this Executive
Order, the Department of State Planning is designated
as the single point of contact for federal agencies
seeking the views of State, regional, and local public
officials. In this capacity, the Department shall:

(a)   In accordance with procedural rules adopted by
the Department for the Maryland
Intergovernmental Review and Coordination
Process, provide opportunities for State,
regional, and local public officials to review
and comment on proposed federal financial
assistance and direct federal development;

(b)   In consultation with State, regional, and local
public officials, select the federal programs
and activities to be subject to the review

(c)   Transmit all comments resulting from the review
process to federal approval authorities, either
through applicants for financial assistance or

(d)   Facilitate the resolution of disagreements
identified during the review process;


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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 4180   View pdf image
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