RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be forwarded to the
Honorable Harry Hughes, Governor of Maryland; to the Honorable
Melvin A. Steinberg, President of the Senate of Maryland; and to
the Honorable Benjamin L. Cardin, Speaker of the House of
Delegates; to Mr. Rocco Gabrielle, Maryland State Fire Marshal,
301 W. Preston St., Baltimore, Md. 21201; to the Maryland State
Fireman's Association, 4100 71st Avenue, Landover Hills, Md.
20784; and to the fire chief of each county fire department of
the State.
Signed May 15, 1984.
No. 15
(Senate Joint Resolution No. 52)
A Senate Joint Resolution concerning
Study Group - Lead Based Paint Poisoning
FOR the purpose of requesting that the Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene conduct hearings and otherwise study the
problem of lead poisoning, develop strategies to abate the
problem and report its findings to the General Assembly by a
certain date.
WHEREAS, The existence of lead based paint poisoning has
been acknowledged to be a serious statewide problem; and
WHEREAS, The cost of lead paint poisoning abatement is far
lower than the social, medical, and educational costs incurred by
the taxpayers and the State to treat and respond to the effects
of lead paint poisoning; and
WHEREAS, Even low level lead intake can cause brain damage
in children with the resultant learning dysfunction, intellectual
impairment, and emotional and behavioral problems; and
WHEREAS, The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
estimates indicate that 6,000 children in Baltimore City alone
suffer from elevated lead intake levels; now, therefore, be it
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene is requested to conduct
hearings and to otherwise study the issue of lead paint
poisoning, and to develop strategies for the abatement of this
serious problem; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the findings of any hearings conducted by the
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene be presented in a report
to the General Assembly by December 1, 1984; and be it further