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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 2814   View pdf image
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2814                                         LAWS OF MARYLAND                                     Ch. 535

insurance benefits unemployment insurance benefits payable
to individuals who voluntarily quit work to accept better
employment which is determined to be for good cause will not
be chargeable to the employer from whom the individual quit.

BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,

Article 95A - Unemployment Insurance Law

Section 6(a) 8(c)(10)

Annotated Code of Maryland

(1979 Replacement Volume and 1983 Supplement)

MARYLAND, That the Laws of Maryland read as follows:

Article 95A - Unemployment Insurance Law


An individual shall be disqualified for benefits:

(a) If the Executive Director finds that the individual's
unemployment is due to his leaving work voluntarily without good

cause. Only a cause which is directly attributable to, arising

from, or connected with the conditions of employment or actions
of the employer may be considered good cause. The individual's
disqualification shall be effective for the week in which the
unemployment began and shall continue (1) for not less than 4 nor
more than 9 weeks immediately thereafter, according to the
seriousness of valid circumstances as determined in each case by
the Executive Director or (2) until the individual has become
employed and has earnings therein equal to at least ten times his
weekly benefit amount. Leaving work TO SEEK OR ACCEPT OTHER
EMPLOYMENT, to become self-employed, to accompany or join one's
spouse in a new locality, or to attend an educational institution
is neither good cause nor a valid circumstance for voluntarily

leaving work. Only a substantial cause which is directly

attributable to, arising from, or connected with the conditions
of employment or actions of the employer, or another cause of
such a necessitous or compelling nature that the individual had
no reasonable alternative other than to leave the employment may
be considered a valid circumstance. If the individual leaves his
employment because of a circumstance relating to the health of
the individual or another person who must be cared for by the
individual; the individual must furnish a written statement or

other documentary evidence of that health problem from a

physician or hospital.


(c) Each employer shall pay contributions with respect to
employment during any fiscal year prior to July 1, 1964, as
required by this article prior to July 1, 1964, and each employer
shall pay contributions at the standard rate of two and


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Session Laws, 1984
Volume 759, Page 2814   View pdf image
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