(Senate Bill 490)
AN ACT concerning
State Archives, Hall of Records Commission,
and Commission on Artistic Property
FOR the purpose of creating, as an independent agency within
State government not a part of the Department of General
Services, but within the Office of the Governor, a State
Archives with a Commission on Artistic Property and an
advisory body, known as the Hall of Records Commission;
continuing the current composition of the Hall of Records
Commission; providing for meetings of the Hall of Records
Commission; altering the method for appointment of the State
Archivist; providing for certain qualifications for the
Archivist; providing for a deputy archivist and other staff;
transferring certain powers, duties, and responsibilities of
the current Hall of Records Commission to the State
Archivist and to the State Archives; specifying the duties
and functions of the Commission and additional powers,
duties, and functions of the State Archivist and the State
Archives; providing for the State Archives Fund and the
Consolidated Publications Account to be under the State
Archives and for certain moneys to be credited to the funds;
altering provisions for appointment and tenure of members of
the Commission on Artistic Property; altering the method for
appointment of a chairman of the Commission on Artistic
Property; altering requirements for the acceptance of
decorative arts by the Commission on Artistic Property;
specifying responsibility for the security of decorative art
objects; altering the procedures for the compilation,
editing, and distribution of the Maryland Manual;
transferring the Records Management Division of the Hall of
Records Commission and the functions of that Division to the
Department of General Services; transferring the functions
of the State Records Management Program from the Hall of
Records Commission to the Department of General Services and
providing for certain periodic reports from the Department
of General Services; providing that certain public records
belong to the State Archives or must be offered to the State
Archives; providing for the destruction of certain records;
providing for the custody and disposition of certain local
records; providing for staff; providing as to compensation;
defining certain terms; deleting a provision as to
construction of references to the Commissioner of the Land
Office or Land Commissioner as the State Archivist; deleting
certain provisions as to the oath of that Commissioner and
the staff; deleting an obsolete provision as to affixing the
State seal to certain land patents; deleting a provision for
review by the Hall of Records Commission of certain orders
relating to land patent proceedings; providing for the