Bonds issued by or on behalf of third parties and facilities, equipment
and activities funded by such bonds, approval by county council of
county obligation for, requirements added ............................................
Harford County —
Water and sewer connection charges, exemption for volunteer fire or
ambulance companies, provisions added ...............................................
Howard County —
Fire damaged structures, abatement of danger posed by, requirements
added .........................................................................................................
Fire Prevention Code, new code adopted; emergency response, nuisance
abatement, false alarms, and sprinkler system purchase options,
provisions added and amended...............................................................
Moderate Income housing units, eligible county firefighters, police
officers, teachers, residents dislocated by Route 1 redevelopment, and
employees in a mixed use development, priority over other eligible
purchasers applying to purchase units in that mixed use development,
provisions added ......................................................................................
Police and Fire Employees' Retirement Plan —
Deferred Retirement Option Plan, established .....................................
Military service, repayment of cash-out, transfer and purchase of
credited service, involuntary transfer, pick-up contributions,
disability and death benefits, benefit distribution and limits, and
rollover distributions, provisions altered ...........................................
Montgomery County —
County Fire and Rescue Service and Commission, structure and duties;
length of service award program for volunteers; and fire, rescue, and
emergency services generally, provisions altered ..................................
Firefighters and rescue service personnel (Group G), pension amount
and death benefits for service-connected death, provisions altered ...
Queen Anne's County —
Smoke detectors, exemption from National Electric Code provision
requiring arc fault protected circuits, provisions added .......................
Firearms SEE Guns
Fiscal Matters SEE Budgets; Revenue and Taxes
Flood Control - -
Anne Arundel County —
Civil offenses, fines, and citations, provisions altered .............................
Odenton Town Center Master Plan adopted as the growth management
area plan for the Odenton Growth Management Area; Odenton
Growth Management Area districts, created and provisions added ....
Brunswick, water supply system, water plant, sanitary sewer system,
storm water drainage system, and sanitary disposal plant system, new
provisions added and old provisions repealed ...........................................
Prince George's County —
Grading, drainage, and pollution control requirements and standards,
provisions altered; building code provisions for dampproofing,
waterproofing, and foundations, added..................................................
Sykesville, water, sewer, and flood control systems, construction,
operation, maintenance, and repair, provisions repealed.........................
Food - -
SEE ALSO Restaurants
Prince George's County —
- 5233 -